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Executive Committee

The Consortium will be managed by an Executive Committee, elected every three years by secret ballot of members at an Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee will be responsible for implementing decisions taken by members at an AGM or at interim meetings. It will also appoint an Advisory Board of experts in Technology Enhanced HPE, to provide the Consortium with technical and academic guidance and advice.

The current Executive Committee members are:

  • Chairperson: Dr Shalote Chipamaunga-Bamu (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Deputy chairperson: Dr. Elliot Kafumukache (University of Zambia)
  • Treasurer: Professor Rangarirai Masanganise (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Secretary: Dr Detlef Prozesky (University of Botswana)
  • Media relations: Professor Quenton Wessels (University of Namibia)
  • Members without portfolio: Dr Mike Kagawa (Makerere University), Dr Champion Nyoni (University of the Free State)

Dr Shalote Chipamaunga, Chairperson

Dr. Shalote Chipamaunga is the Chairperson of the Pan African Consortium for Technology Enhanced Health Professions Education (PACoTEH). She is a seasoned academic in Health Professions Education who gained her expertise working as a senior lecturer in the Departments of Health Professions Education at the University of Zimbabwe and the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. With a passion for sustainable quality student learning, Shalote has been responsible for the development of new programs and faculty development of health professions educators. Shalote has conducted qualitative research and published in peer-reviewed journals. She is a peer reviewer of several academic journals.

Dr. Elliot Kafumukache, Deputy Chairperson

Dr Detlef Prozesky, Secretary