Interest Groups
The Consortium has launched five interest groups in the broad field of Technology Enhanced Health Professions Education (HPE), in which members are involved according to their interests and expertise:
- Promotion of Technology Enhanced HPE In Africa (PROTEA)
Leader: Dr Mike Kagawa, Makerere University
Brief summary of activities
- Research in Technology Enhanced HPE for Africa (RESTEA)
Leader: Dr Patricia Katowa-Mukwato, University of Zambia
Brief summary of activities
- Partnership developed for Technology Enhanced HPE in Africa (PADTEA)
Leader: Dr Shalote Chipamaunga-Bamu, University of Zimbabwe
Brief summary of activities
- Capacity development in Technology Enhanced HPE in Africa (CAPTEA)
Leader: Dr Lynette van der Merwe, University of the Free State
Brief summary of activities
- Student development in Technology Enhanced HPE in Africa (STUTEA)
Leader: Dr Detlef Prozesky, University of Botswana
Brief summary of activities
Each of these interest groups pursues its activities in line with the objectives set out in the Consortium’s
Constitution. All members are encouraged to join interest groups, which they do by applying to the group’s current leader.